Regular Strength Nicotine Pouches

Nicotine pouches are not just for users who want a very intense or gentle experience. There is a middle ground for users who enjoy more of a sensation than low strength pouches, as well as those who want a step down from strong nicotine pouches. Regular and moderate-strength sachets start from around 4mg/pouch, working their way up to around 8mg/pouch.

There are options for regular pouches across many different flavour profiles, including mint, sweet, and fruit.

Examples of regular strength pouches

There are lots of regular strength pouches available from SnusDirect. Here are just a selection of brands that may suit:

Other brands that include regular strength pouches include LOOP, Skruf, and Kelly White.

Something to remember is that nicotine is not the only factor that affects the strength of a pouch. The moisture content plays a role, with drier sachets delivering flavour and nicotine slower, creating a less intense sensation, while pH levels are also a consideration. Ingredients such as menthol and chilli can also have cooling or warming properties that affect intensity.

Always check the label on products purchased because some brands vary nicotine content enormously, even within the same flavour, drastically affecting the experience. 


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