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Why Is Nordic Spirit So Popular in the UK?

By Evan 3 years ago No comments
Why Is Nordic Spirit So Popular in the UK?

If you live in the United Kingdom, there is a good chance that you have heard of Nordic Spirit, regardless of whether you use nicotine pouches or not. The brand is exceptionally well-liked, and its name can be found everywhere across the nation, from buses, taxis and tubes, to the shelves of major supermarkets like Tesco and Sainsbury's. But, what about it makes so many users in the UK choose it when they can easily buy nicotine pouches online and in-store from hundreds of different brands? If you are wondering, keep reading, as this article will explain the reasons for the immense success of this Swedish brand in the UK.

Nordic Spirit's Early Days in the UK

Smokeless products are somewhat lesser-known and used in the UK than in other countries, like Sweden and the USA. But, despite this, Nordic Spirit was still able to make its mark on the country's nicotine users. The brand was invented in 2018, in Vårgårda, West Sweden, by Nordic Snus AB, a subsidiary of one of the world's leading tobacco manufacturers, Japan Tobacco International (JTI). However, it was not until 2019 that it became available to consumers worldwide.

At the time of the brand's release in the United Kingdom, many of the country's nicotine users were still unaware of nicotine pouches and what they were. And while a lack of awareness surrounding these Scandinavian smoke and tobacco-free products could have boded for an unsuccessful first launch, it was, in fact, quite the opposite.

JTI's extensive market research led the company to know what UK consumers would like and be receptive to in a smokeless product, which paid off as sales quickly soared and Nordic Spirit reviews were consistently excellent. Just a year after its introduction, the brand earned a spot behind the counters of the country's major supermarkets, including 396 Sainsbury's stores across the nation. However, many consumers opted to buy Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches online, and still do, due to lower prices and a broader selection of fresher products.

JTI’s Phenomenal UK Marketing Campaign

In a bid to increase brand awareness and popularity even further, JTI utilised its funds and knowledge and launched a massive marketing campaign. The campaign involved creating a presence on social media platforms and offering followers a Nordic Spirit discount code, billboard and public transport advertising, partnering with several of the UK's largest music festivals, and even giving a Nordic Spirit free sample to passing smokers and vapers on the street! These crafty tactics undoubtedly contributed to the brand's success, helping it stack up against other rival brands with similar marketing efforts, like VELO nicotine pouches and ZYN.

Understanding Why Nordic Spirit Became the UK's #1 Nicotine Pouch and Product of the Year in 2021

The brand became the UK's #1 nicotine pouch and Product of the Year in 2021 because it was voted for the most. That is obvious. But the question of why was it voted for the most? - begs to be answered. While there are no hard facts, below are a few anecdotal reasons that might explain why:

  1. The pouches have a low moisture content, which to some, especially those used to moister products, like Helwit nicotine pouches, may seem strange. However, the dryness is not a result of poor quality control or manufacturing issues but is intentional. Nordic Snus opted for a dry exterior and contents to enable the longest, most satisfying nicotine release possible. The nicotine sensation lasts for up to 60 minutes, which users enjoy because it provides bang for the buck by reducing the need to re-dose with a fresh pouch.
  2. Although many users like intense, potent nicotine pouch flavours, equally as many find them overbearing, particularly users in the UK, as they are less experienced with these products than those in Scandinavia, for example, where they have been available for many years. The Nordic Spirit flavours, like Nordic Spirit mint, are popular among Brits because they are smooth and delicate. As such, they make for an easy-going first experience that is not likely to be off putting but rather tempting to try again.

To sum these points up, whether it was by the intention or accidental luck of JTI and Nordic Snus, Nordic Spirit is tailored perfectly to British users' needs. The brand's compatibility with users, coupled with sensational marketing and production by a trustworthy, esteemed manufacturer, are likely the reasons for its success in the country!

Posted in: Brands & Products