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Why Are Nicotine Pouches Placed in the Upper Lip?

By Evan 3 years ago No comments
Why Are Nicotine Pouches Placed in the Upper Lip?

Have you ever opened a can of pouches and wondered why you must put them under your upper lip? If so, you are not alone. It is a question that many users ask because it is so specific. In this article, we take you through why nicotine pouches go under the upper lip and explain the benefits of this placement. We also touch on other, less conventional placement positions, such as the lower lip, and what you can expect by choosing to put your pouches there. To find the answers to all your questions about how to use nicotine pouches and other helpful tips and tricks, keep reading.

Why the Upper Lip?

Every product comes with directions for the best results. For nicotine pouches, this happens to be under the upper lip. But why exactly? And why do they not just work anywhere in the mouth? Well, the truth is that they will work in other areas. But the upper lip is far superior because of its shape and relative lack of moisture, making it optimal for just about everything, as shown below:

  1. It makes the pouch invisible to others: One of the main reasons people buy VELO nicotine pouches and other similar products is that they can be used without others noticing. However, this benefit only comes with upper lip use, as it compresses the pouch and moulds it to the shape of your gum line, making it very discreet.
  2. You won't have to deal with drip: Some people like drip, especially tobacco users, but many all-white users do not. If you are unsure what drip is, it refers to when the juices begin to leak from the pouch in large quantities because of excess salivation, which often occurs if placed incorrectly. Under the upper lip, this is not an issue, as it is far from the salivary glands.
  3. It is the most comfortable: Most products guarantee an experience of at least 30 minutes. Those that are dryer, like the Mini Dry range from ZYN nicotine pouches, provide a steady flow of nicotine and flavour for up to an hour! Throughout this time, you will want it to be comfortable. Under the top lip is the best position for comfort because it stays firmly in one place, reducing gum irritation from excess movement.

Can You Use Nicotine Pouches Under the Lower Lip?

When customers ask how to use Nordic Spirit and other popular brands in the UK and EU, we always say the upper lip. But what would happen if you placed one under your lower lip? You also can lower lip these products without them being unsafe, and as mentioned earlier, they will still work. However, the experience will likely be less pleasant.

The lower lip area is closer to the salivary glands, which means more salivation and, thus, more drip. Drip is not necessarily bad, but it can make the flavour too powerful and cause an uncomfortable throat burn. Also resulting from the excess salivation is a shortened release duration. The higher moisture activates the contents quicker, causing them to release all at once rather than steadily over an hour as the pouch naturally gets wetter.

How to Get a Better Fit Under Your Lip

Finding the perfect fit is often a case of trial and error. But, if you are struggling to get your pouches comfortable under your lip or cannot seem to have a satisfying experience, consider following these two rules:

  • Always alternate sides after each one: Discomfort often occurs when one side of the gums has been in contact with a pouch without a break. This issue becomes even more prominent if you use high strength products like Thunder nicotine pouches or mint flavours, which can numb and burn the gums. So, try switching sides each time.
  • Place towards the middle of the mouth, not the sides: Many users just getting started with newbie pouches tend to struggle with drip, despite upper lip use. But how can this be the case if the upper lip reduces it? The answer is that they place the pouch too far back on the left or right side, which is closer to the salivary glands. If you also find you are enduring more unwanted drip than you would like, try moving it closer to the middle of your mouth. Slightly to one side, above the front teeth, is the sweet spot!

You might find that some products are better suited to you than others, making it essential to experiment with different ones. Try various format options, such as mini or slim and experiment with moisture levels from dry to moist to discover what works best. There are plenty of nicotine pouch brands, so you are sure to find a favourite!