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What is a nicotine rush?

By Jacob 1 years ago No comments
What is a nicotine rush?

If you use nicotine pouches, you have probably heard of a nicotine rush. If you know about it, do you often think about how it works or what it is and feels like? You’re in the right place if you do. This article dives into this topic, unearthing facts about the biological effect of nicotine and how the nicotine rush may differ between users.

What does a nicotine rush feel like?

It is generally the feeling users get when using nicotine pouches. It is caused by a rush of “feel good” hormones and adrenaline, mentioned further down in the article, producing:

A light feeling in your head and body, and the adrenaline causes the subtle rush some may experience.

Does a nicotine rush feel the same for all users?

People process and react to nicotine differently due to differences in metabolism and hydration level, to give a few examples. Therefore, not everyone will associate it with the same feeling, as it may be more or less intense and feel slightly different. So, the feeling of a nicotine rush is not universal amongst pouch users.

The causes of a nicotine rush

It has two components. An adrenaline release provides the “rush”, and a dopamine release causes a light feeling in your head and body. Both processes are caused by nicotine entering your system. Below, each is detailed, allowing you to understand the biological intricacies.

Feel good hormone release:

  • Research shows nicotine interacts and binds with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AchR) in the brain.
  • AchRs are in many neuronal systems, including the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems.
  • By binding to the AchRs, it influences the release of dopamine and serotonin, targeting the brain's pleasure centres.

Adrenaline release:

  • As well as targeting the brain, research shows that nicotine interacts with your adrenal glands located above the kidneys.
  • By interacting with the adrenal glands, it stimulates the release of adrenaline.
  • Adrenaline is the fight or flight hormone causing an increase in blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate.

Together, adrenaline and dopamine release create what you know and may have experienced to be the nicotine rush.

How long does it take to feel a nicotine rush using pouches?

A nicotine rush is felt when the nicotine has entered your system. Typically, this is around 2 minutes. However, different pouch characteristics will affect this time. Some of those are strength, pouch moisture, and portion size, as each affects nicotine absorption. Therefore:

A potent, moist, and large pouch will deliver this sensation faster compared to a smaller and dryer portion.

However, this is not advised, as using a potent product may cause adverse effects and the need for more nicotine to nullify cravings, as explored further in the article.

How much nicotine is needed to feel a nicotine rush?

The amount of nicotine needed to experience a rush is dependent on your nicotine tolerance. Therefore, if you have a high tolerance, more of the substance is needed. However, you must be careful not to chase the nicotine rush as you may encounter side effects if you begin to use strong nicotine pouches. This will only lead to you needing stronger products over time, which is not recommended.

Nicotine side effects

If you begin to chase the nicotine rush by using more potent products, which is not advised, nicotine side effects will become present. The side effects occur when too much nicotine is ingested at once. What are these adverse effects?

  • Nausea
  • Hiccups
  • Headache

It is important to note that these effects only last around 30 minutes until the levels in your system have reduced. This is why we recommend not to chase this sensation.

Don’t chase the nicotine rush

Encountering side effects isn’t the only reason to stop chasing the “rush”. Eventually, your tolerance will increase and you will find yourself at a peak, regardless of how many times you up the dosage. This will carry on until there isn’t a more potent product.

We recommend that users find a balance when using nicotine pouches. Use a product that reduces craving but doesn’t lead to you upping the potency of your portions.

Can you stop it?

A rush can become intense if too much nicotine is absorbed. In that case, you may want to reduce this intensity and reduce the chances of experiencing the adverse effects.

  • First, you must rehydrate with water, as nicotine can dehydrate you.
  • Second, eat food to get your metabolism going, starting the breakdown of it in your body.

These two processes will help reduce the intensity of it.

Posted in: Science & Knowledge