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Do Nicotine Pouches Expire?

By Jacob 6 months ago No comments
Do Nicotine Pouches Expire?

As more people start to use nicotine pouches, more users begin to come across certain questions like which is the best, how to use them, and whether they expire. Here, the latter is explored, uncovering the product’s shelf life, the factors affecting the expiration date, and whether consuming “gone-off” nicotine pouches is harmful. We have done the research for you, providing the answers to the above questions and more below. So, whether you’ve found a can of pouches hiding on a shelf or are interested in this topic, this article is worth reading.

Do Nicotine Pouches Have a Shelf Life?

Like many other consumables, nicotine pouches have a shelf life or expiration/best-before date. However, unlike other consumables, they do not spoil the same, and their shelf life is much longer.

The average shelf life of a nicotine pouch is around a year from production, and can be as much as two years from production.

To discover the product's expiration date, simply look at the underside of the can, and the date will be in the format as follows - DD/MM/YYYY. Usually, the first date is the production date, and the second is the best-before.

What Factors Affect Nicotine Pouch Expiration?

The longevity of products can be affected in many ways. In the case of nicotine pouches, influencing factors include:

  • The moisture content
  • Storing conditions

How nicotine pouches are stored may be an obvious influencing factor and one explored further below, but the moisture content may come as a surprise. The moister your nicopod, the shorter its shelf life will be.

How To Store Nicotine Pouches Properly?

The longevity of many different products can be influenced by how they are stored. Items can be kept fresher for longer by storing consumables in optimum conditions, whether it be keeping vegetables in the fridge or unripe fruit away from ripened fruit. Every product has its needs for longevity. In the case of storing nicotine pouches:

Keep nicotine pouches in a cool and dry place out of direct sunlight. Avoid moisture and humidity, and keep them sealed in their original packaging. For extra protection, place them in an air-tight container.

For products that are used daily, a cupboard, bag, or shelf is fine. But if that can isn’t getting used for a few months, storing them in the fridge or freezer is a way to keep them fresher for longer.

Are Expired Nicotine Pouches Harmful?

Out-of-date food and drink are not consumed because they pose health risks, but nicotine pouches are not the same because they aren’t swallowed and aren’t harmful to use past their expiration date. However, it is important to note that the experience provided may be a little underwhelming. Therefore, if you have a few portions left in the can, it’s not the end of the world. But if a whole can has gone, it may be best to bin it.

How Do You Know If Nicotine Pouches Are Out of Date?

Other than the obvious one, expiration date, there are ways in which out-of-date pouches will differ from fresh ones. The ways in which nicopods will change as their shelf life dissipates include:

  • A weak flavour experience and nicotine sensation.
  • No or little aroma.
  • Dry-to-touch portions which can irritate the gum.

Now the factors of an expired nicotine pouch are known, keep them in mind and apply them if you find a can of nicopods behind the sofa or on the far side of a shelf. They’re not harmful, but the experience provided may be underwhelming.