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March 2024

Does Nicotine Affect Your Appetite?

By Jacob 9 months ago No comments

Nicotine is a widely used natural substance, whether that is through tobacco products or smoke and tobacco-free products like nicotine pouches. Some may know its stimulatory effects, but what about metabolism and appetite? This question is explored within this article, detailing nicotine and metabolism and the effect nicotine has on your appetite. We hope to educate you further on the effects of using nicotine on your body. However, everyone is different and interacts with substances, like nicotine, differently, as explained below, meaning that not all effects below will be experienced the same.

Where in the World Are Nicotine Pouches Manufactured?

By Sarah 10 months ago No comments

We live in a globalised world, with many smartphones designed in Silicon Valley, manufactured in China, and assembled in Southeast Asia. But where in the world are nicotine pouches manufactured?

While Sweden has always been the home of most manufacturing, the increased popularity of nicotine pouches worldwide means production has expanded further. Let’s take a tour across the world to see which other countries are responsible for making the best nicotine pouches.